Senior Pastor: Kristi Rhodes

Senior Pastor: Kristi Rhodes

From the desk of the PASTOR

Hillcrest Community Church


I just want to encourage you today! I want to talk about PEACE. It is only found in one place! I want to help you find it. I have found it in a place that is available to everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord! Because everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved.

There were many who wrote in the Bible about where Peace could be found. Paul wrote to the Philippians of how valuable God’s peace is—not as the world gives, but God’s peace. He said in chapter 4, verse 7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!

Luke reminds us as he wrote in the book of Acts, chapter 2:25-26, 28 of David’s words,
“I saw the Lord always before me,
Because he is at my right hand,
Therefore, my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
You will fill me with joy IN YOUR PRESENCE!!

There it is!!! This is where you find peace!! In His Presence, there is peace! In His presence, I will NOT BE SHAKEN!

In His presence, there is no place for depression!
Sickness has no place in His presence!
Fear has no place in His presence!
Shame has no place, doubt has no place, bitterness has no place in His presence!
Un-forgiveness has no place in His presence.
Bondage has no place in His presence.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM!

In His presence, we find rest. In His presence, we find peace. Let us help you find His peace as we welcome you to Hillcrest Community Church. We strive to know Him and make Him known. We invite you to come and experience the love of Christ and His peace.

And now, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, giving you HIS PEACE!

Many blessings to you,
Pastor Kristi Rhodes

Cheryl MacDonald

Family Promise Coordinator

Heather Robb

Prayer Force Leader

Robin Rhodes

Worship Leader
Social Media Coordinator
Communications Team Staff

Dean Rhodes

Safety Team Leader
Front Door Ministry

Doug & Ann Hughes

Youth Ministry Leaders

Rick & Melissa Anderson

Children's Ministry Leaders

Tia Piper

Infant Ministry (Nursery) Leader

Melanie Niles

Cafe Snack Ministry
Communications Staff

Randy Edwards

Sound Tech

"I love the church" By: Kristi Rhodes

Greetings from Pastor Kristi Rhodes, Senior Pastor at Hillcrest.

I just LOVE the Church…, God’s Church!  That is every blood washed one is a member of God’s Church!  I just LOVE the church (Hillcrest) where God has specifically called me to pastor!  God is certainly on the MOVE!!  As always, where God is moving—our adversary, the devil will TRY to stop him.  We must be expecting that and be prepared in advance with God to triumph over those schemes.  I am SO thankful that scriptures tell us over and over that GOD WINS!  The schemes of Satan cannot stop the plans of God!  It is of GREAT comfort knowing that we are on the winning side.

God exists in community, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  He has a whole lot to say about how His family, the church community (every redeemed soul) ought to get along.  He also has much to say on how we should resolve conflict.  Over the years, I have learned a few things.
There are no perfect people and no perfect church.  Every church isn’t for every person.  Relationships are messy and hurt is inevitable even in the very best of relationships.  That is not being pessimistic, just a reality in this fallen world.  That being said, if we want to experience the fullness of the abundant life in the church community that Jesus talked about, then we must learn to address conflict and forgive one other.
One of my devotions is called “I love my church” and has some great points to ponder that I would like to share with you in resolving conflict in the church and other relationships.
  1. Don't email, text or use social media to address conflict.
    • It's so easy when we have a conflict with someone to log on to our computer and fire off an abusive email.  There are several problems with this:
      • Avoiding confrontation is the act of a coward.
      • Typing allows us to say things we would never say in person.
      • Email can easily be misinterpreted, thus causing new conflicts.
  2. Handle conflict quickly
    • Ephesians 4:25-26 tells us not to let the sun go down while we are angry.  If we allow anger to fester, what comes out is never pretty.
  3. Always assume the BEST about the people you service with.
    • Love always assumes the best about someone.
    • If you can't stand the people you serve with, the best thing to do is to ask the Lord, "What is wrong with my own heart?"
  4. Stop expecting people to read your mind.
    • When people unknowingly say something hurtful to you, it's easy to become angry and say to yourself, "Well, they should know that just hurt me!"
    • News flash:  They don't know.  And they won't know unless you look them in the eye, assume they didn't mean to hurt you, and calmly explain why what they said wounded you.
  5. Stop waiting for them to approach you.
    • If you know there is a problem to be solved, stop waiting on "the right time" or for them to come to you.  Read what Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24.  Maturity is when a person is willing to seize responsibility instead of just waiting on something to happen.
  6. Never, ever go public when you have not even attempted to talk in private.
    • Too often people take their conflicts online when they have never even attempted to handle them privately.

Pain should never stop us from connecting with others in the church.  When conflict comes, we have a decision to make:  Do we sit around and talk about it?  Or, do we address the conflict, forgive one another and get on with life?
God is on the move!!  He has much to accomplish and chooses to use the church to do it.  We, as His Church, MUST represent Him well!  Jesus said, “They will know we are His followers by our LOVE for one another.”  Let us choose LOVE so God’s Spirit can flow freely IN and through us to know Him and make Him known to the world around us. Let’s BE THE CHURCH God has called us to be.
In His service and loving it!

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